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Assisting Individuals in Crisis and Group Crisis Intervention Training

Event Type: Zoom
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April 30, 2024 - May 2, 2024    
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis intervention is sometimes called “emotional first aid.” Designed to present the core elements of a comprehensive, systematic, and multi- component crisis intervention curriculum, this course will prepare participants to understand a wide range of crisis intervention services for both the individual and for groups.

Fundamentals of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) will be outlined, and participants will leave with the knowledge and tools to provide several group crisis interventions, specifically demobilizations, defusing’s, and the Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD). The need for appropriate follow-up services and referrals, when necessary, will also be discussed.


Psychological crisis and psychological crisis intervention Resistance, resiliency, recovery continuum

Critical incident stress management Evidence-based practice

Basic crisis communication techniques

Common psychological and behavioral crisis reactions Putative and empirically-derived mechanisms

SAFER-Revised model Suicide intervention Relevant research findings

Large group crisis interventions Small group crisis interventions

Adverse outcome associated with crisis intervention Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)

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Denise J. Thompson, LCSW, received a BSW from Wartburg College, a MSW from Florida State University and is a doctoral student at the University of Northern Iowa. Maj. Thompson is currently Chief, Behavioral Health for the Air Force Reserve Command. She is responsible for the implementation and oversight of the following AFRC programs: Suicide and Violence Prevention, Post-Suicide Review, Critical Incident Stress Management, and Operational and Post-deployment Stress. She has over 11 years of military service, including active duty and reserve service. Maj. Thompson provides oversight and training for over 180 AFRC personnel, military and civilian, who are part of the AFRC CISM team. Prior to her current assignment with AFRC, she was in private practice providing services to adults and children who were affected by traumatic events, was a contract provider for the Veterans’ Administration and was an Employee Assistance Program provider for the US Postal Service. Maj. Thompson presents on a variety of topics for military and civilian personnel regarding suicide prevention, intervention and posttension; workplace violence; Critical Incident Stress Management; and operational stress management