Hurricane Evacuation – HURREVAC

        HURREVAC is the decision support tool of the National Hurricane Program, administered by FEMA, the USACE, and the NOAA National Hurricane Center. HURREVAC (short for Hurricane Evacuation) is a storm tracking and decision support tool. The software combines live feeds of tropical cyclone forecast information with data from various state Hurricane […]


  The most localized weather forecast is now available to you! Find the closest WeatherSTEM unit in our growing network and make it your own. WeatherSTEM Dashboard


      NowCOAST is a web mapping portal that provides spatially referenced links to thousands of real-time coastal observations and NOAA forecasts of interest to the marine community. The portal serves as a “one-stop” website to real-time coastal meteorological, oceanographic, and hydrologic observations from a variety of Internet sites within and outside of NOAA, along […]

Mike’s Weather Page

      Mike’s Weather Page has been acknowledged by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Weather Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It has served as a source for weather analysis by hurricane hunters, meteorologists, state emergency management entities, The Weather Channel, and government […]

Windy ( is an extraordinary tool for weather forecast visualization. It’s fast, intuitive, detailed and most accurate weather app trusted by professional pilots, paragliders, skydivers, kiters, surfers, boaters, fishermen, storm chasers and weather geeks, and even by governments, army staffs and rescue teams. Whether you are tracking a tropical storm or potential […]

National Hurricane Center (NHC)

The National Hurricane Center (NHC) is the division of the United States’ NOAA/National Weather Service responsible for tracking and predicting tropical weather systems between the Prime Meridian and the 140th meridian west poleward to the 30th parallel north in the northeast Pacific Ocean and the 31st parallel north in the northern Atlantic Ocean. The agency, […]