Family Reunification Resources

American Academy of Pediatrics Family Reunification Following Disasters: A Planning Tool for Health Care Facilities Family Separation and Reunification in Disasters Western Massachusetts Region Homeland Security Advisory Council (WRHSAC) Family Reunification Template Training Modules FEMA Reunification Support CDC Caring for Children in a Disaster – Reunification READINESS AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FOR SCHOOLS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER […]

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Pediatric Disaster Preparedness and Response Topical Collection resource endeavors to inform and guide pediatricians as well as planners, responders, care providers, and volunteers to be better prepared to meet the unique needs of children in times of crises and disasters. Children have many unique anatomic, physiologic, immunologic, developmental, and […]

Handtevy Pediatric Emergency Standards

Handtevy began as the premier pediatric healthcare technology company, committed to improving the treatment of critically ill or injured children in emergency settings. Encouraged by the demand of our distinguished customers – the life-saving medical teams – we broadened our horizons. We heard their call for more. Today, we extend our commitment to clinicians nationwide, […]

National Center for Disaster Medicine & Public Health (NCDMPH)

  NCDMPH VISION The National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health will be the United States’ academic center of excellence leading disaster health education and research. In collaboration with our federal partners, we will facilitate science and education to inform policy, operations, and funding decisions that improve our readiness, save lives and mitigate injuries […]

Stop the Bleed

Over 3 Million People Have Learned to STOP THE BLEED You can, too! The American College of Surgeons STOP THE BLEED® program has prepared over 3 million people worldwide on how to stop bleeding in a severely injured person. With 3 quick actions, you can be trained to save a life. The number 1 cause […]

FERNO Pediatric Transport Devices

    Pedi Mate Plus Attachment Video                     Pedi Mate PLUS Model 678 User Manual Neo-Mate Attachment Video                               NeoMate Model 679 User Manual Kangoofix Attachment Video                […]

American Burn Association

The American Burn Association and its members dedicate their efforts and resources to promoting and supporting burn-related research, education, care, rehabilitation, and prevention. The ABA has more than 2,000 members in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Members include physicians, nurses, occupational and physical therapists, researchers, social workers, fire fighters, and hospitals […]

American College of Surgeons

The ACS TQP Best Practices Guidelines aim to provide recommendations for managing patient populations or injury types with special considerations to trauma care providers. The Trauma Quality Programs (TQP) Best Practices Project Team and a panel of guest experts from appropriate specialties, work together over the course of the year to create each guideline. The […]

Children’s Safety Network

The Children’s Safety Network works with state and jurisdiction Maternal & Child Health and Injury & Violence prevention programs to create an environment in which all infants, children, and youth are safe and healthy. Our goal is to equip states and jurisdictions to strengthen their capacity, utilize data and implement effective strategies to make reductions in injury-related deaths, hospitalizations, and […]