Emergency Preparedness Self Assessment Tool




This assessment tool was developed to assist hospitals in revising and updating existing disaster plans or in the development of new plans. The tool was originally used by a subject matter expert survey team to collect data for a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) grant so it is constructed in a survey format. The data was then used to develop a specialized instruction program for that facility that addressed any areas needing improvements. We feel this assessment tool can also be utilized in a self-assessment format by the institution in the review of their disaster plans.

This assessment tool was based on two resources, the Hospital Emergency Analysis Tool (HEAT) with the assistance of Dr. Neill Oster and the ACEP text Community Medical Disaster Planning and Evaluation Guide. When used to revise or update existing disaster plans, the items can be used to systematically review each aspect of the current disaster plan. The facility can determine if any items are not applicable to their particular facility. When used to assist in the development of a new disaster plan, the tool provides an excellent check list to assure every aspect of disaster planning is addressed.

The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) has several other resources such as our on-line Hospital Evacuation Planning training program and our Hospital Patient Surge Planning Templates.

Hospital Disaster Preparedness Self-Assessment Tool